As mentioned in the previous post in this series, the Wi-Fi Alliance® update to Wi-Fi CERTIFIED WPA3™ includes features that provide Wi-Fi® devices with additional safeguards against a
The Beacon Blog
by Thomas Derham & Nehru Bhandaru
Read more 0 commentsby Rolf de Vegt
Wi-Fi 6 is the latest generation of Wi-Fi®, providing key benefits such as higher data rates, greater network capacity, better power efficiency, and quality performance in remote or congested Thomas Derham & Nehru Bhandaru
This is the first installment of a two-part series exploring recent WPA3™ Edgar Figueroa
This content was originally published in the IEEE Communication Standards Christopher Szymanski
The year 2020 was monumental for Wi-Fi®.by Dr. Raul Katz
The COVID-19 pandemic has proven to be a fundamental challenge on a global scale. Our socioeconomic systems have been strained as a result, forcing entire societies to reexamine social practices and production systems that have often been in place for decades, if not centuries. These changes have caused a global economic recession worse than the 2008-2009 financial Chatwin Lansdowne
NASA astronauts route first Ethernet cable onto truss and install a Wi-Fi® access pointAbove the International Space Station’s habitable modules, the Integrated Truss Structure supports sun-tracking solar arrays, adjustable thermal radiator panels, experiment pallets, and transporteby The Beacon
Continual evolution, greater transparency, and WPA3™ support for Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ devices ensures Wi-Fi delivers state-of-the-art security M. Consuelo Ortiz
This post is part of a series highlighting key technologies in Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Vantage™ – a Wi-Fi Alliance® solution making it easy for devices to provide an elevated experience in managed Wi-Fi® M. Consuelo Ortiz
This post is part of a series highlighting key technologies in Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Vantage™ – a Wi-Fi Alliance® solution making it easy for devices to provide an elevated experience in managed Wi-Fi® networks.