Wi-Fi Easy Connect


Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Easy Connect™降低了设备与Wi-Fi®网络连接的复杂性,提升了用户体验,同时采用了最高级别的安全标准。Wi-Fi Easy Connect™引入了标准化机制,以简化Wi-Fi设备的配置。现在,可以非常简便地配置设备,包括那些没有丰富用户界面的设备,通过扫描产品QR码、NFC标签或从云下载设备信息,就可实现与Wi-Fi网络的零接触式连接。

Wi-Fi Easy Connect支持最高级别的WPA3™安全技术,通过公用密钥加密方法纳入了强大的加密能力,以在增加新设备时仍然保持网络的安全性。

Wi-Fi Easy Connect技术能够以前所未有的易用性提供安全网络接入,提高了安全性和易用性水准。

  • 为设备接入网络提供标准的、一致的方法。
  • 通过使用QR码、NFC标签或从云下载的设备信息和智能手机、平板电脑等用户选择的配置器来管理网络接入,简化了设备配置。
  • 通过使用QR码实现几乎零接触的连接;通过从云下载设备信息实现真正的零接触连接。
  • 适用于任何Wi-Fi Easy Connect设备,包括那些没有或几乎没有用户界面的设备,例如智能家居产品和IoT产品。
  • 通过重新配置和支持多种配置器来改善网络管理。
  • 使用公用密钥加密方法进行安全的身份验证。
  • 支持面向WPA2™和WPA3网络的配置。
  • 支持使用公用密钥身份信息的设备进行注册,设备注册所用身份信息通过带外机制传送,例如通过NFC传送。
  • 即使网络有变化,例如使用新的SSID,也能够保持设备与网络的连接。
  • 更换AP时,无需将所有设备重新注册到新的AP。
  • 通过使用状态信息通知,允许多个设备在部署到Wi-Fi网络之前同时得到配置。
  • 利用WPA3-Enterprise安全技术支持企业级配置。


通过Wi-Fi Easy Connect,网络所有者可以选择一个设备作为配置中心点。通常这个设备拥有丰富的用户界面,例如智能手机或平板电脑,不过也可以是能够扫描QR码、NFC标签或能够从云下载设备信息和运行Wi-Fi Alliance®协议的任何设备。所选定的设备被视为配置器,所有其他设备均视为需要注册的设备。通过扫描特定于设备的QR码、NFC标签,或从云下载与设备关联的信息,用户就可以为需要注册的设备建立安全的连接。注册过程中会提示要运行的协议,并自动使用接入网络所需的凭证来配置需要注册的设备。

Wi-Fi Easy Connect为Wi-Fi网络管理提供了简便性、一致性和灵活性。

  • 使用简便直观;设置新设备时无需阅读冗长的说明。
  • 无需记住密码并将密码输入到接受配置的设备中。
  • 可使用电子或打印的QR码、NFC标签或从云下载的设备信息。
  • 通过使用QR码实现几乎零接触的配置。
  • 通过从云下载设备信息实现真正的零接触配置。


  • Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Easy Connect:简便、安全的连接

Frequently Asked Questions

How can a device be connected to a network with minimum user intervention?

A device can be seamlessly added to the network with near zero touch or true zero touch methods. Near zero touch provisioning and configuration can be done using a QR code. True zero touch provisioning and configuration can be done by downloading device information into the configurator from the cloud. The user simply powers up the device and it is automatically connected to the network.

Do devices using Wi-Fi Easy Connect need to be manually reconfigured when there is a change to a network?

No. Wi-Fi Easy Connect allows for a device to systematically discover and re-engage in the configuration process with the configurator to receive updated network configuration information. This is especially useful for IoT devices with a limited user interface (UI) or where a device may be installed in a hard-to-reach location.

Does Wi-Fi Easy Connect support enterprise applications with higher levels of security?

Yes, Wi-Fi Easy Connect supports enterprise provisioning using WPA3-Enterprise security, requiring EAP-TLS authentication. When using EAP-TLS, clients and servers mutually authenticate using X.509 certificates. With Wi-Fi Easy Connect, the enrollee should receive its certificate when provisioning occurs.

Can there be more than one configurator on a network?

Yes, Wi-Fi Easy Connect supports multiple configurators on a network. One advantage of multiple configurators is for backup and restore of a network. If one of the configurators is not available, another can be used to configure new devices and maintain configuration of the current network.

Does the technology work with Wi-Fi EasyMesh, or other multiple access point Wi-Fi systems?

Yes, Wi-Fi Easy Connect can be used to provision clients to establish secure communications with Wi-Fi EasyMesh access points.

What if a home or office has more than one network?

If the home or office uses a single access point to provide more than one network, Wi-Fi Easy Connect can be used to add one or more networks on the access point. The Wi-Fi Easy Connect protocol would need to be run independently to add each network.

Can the same device be a configurator for more than one network?

Yes, the configurator software can be implemented on a device to provide provisioning for more than one logical network.

Is there a limit to how many devices one can configure at a time using Wi-Fi Easy Connect?

There is no limit to the number of devices a configurator may provision for a network, unless the network itself has connection limitations. Additionally, Wi-Fi Easy Connect enables bulk enrollment of Wi-Fi devices.