Wi-Fi Aware

Wi-Fi Aware

Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Wi-Fi Aware™無需傳統網路基礎設施、互聯網連接或GPS信號,就能夠快速發現和連接其他Wi-Fi設備,並與這些設備進行資料交換,因此擴展了Wi-Fi®的功能。Wi-Fi Aware™基於用戶當前的位置和偏好建立獨立的、設備到設備的Wi-Fi連接,可提供豐富的當下體驗。


  • 與附近的人建立連接,在移動設備上玩一款共同喜歡的遊戲;
  • 與附近的朋友一起收聽在其中一個使用者設備上播放的歌曲;
  • 在音樂會上發現朋友,分享照片或相約會面地點。
  • 不依賴基礎設施,從一個或多個相機向手機或筆記本電腦安全地傳輸照片或視頻流;
  • 將XR設備與遊戲機、PC或手機配對,用本地渲染來支持XR應用。


  • 不用先登錄網路,就可以向印表機安全地發送檔;
  • 路過餐館、甚至在餐館未開門時,無需互聯網連接,就可查看餐館功能表並訂位元。


  • 為參觀博物館、畫廊和實地考察的學生提供更好的教育體驗;
  • 實現學校簽到和點名自動化,並給簽到和點名加上時間戳記。


  • 使自動駕駛和遙控車輛能夠立即感知其他設備並自動交換諸如GPS座標、高度、方向、擁有者身份等資訊。
  • 簡化機場安檢以及海關和移民局的處理流程,因為可以使用電子版駕照或護照等移動身份證件,而無需旅客出示實體身份證件。


  • 運用移動設備來查找燈泡等物聯網設備,並支持設備和服務配置的服務級通信。

Wi-Fi Aware豐富了個性化移動體驗

Wi-Fi Aware利用用戶的自發性接近實現創新應用。Wi-Fi Aware設備在建立關聯之前,不斷發現在用戶Wi-Fi範圍內的其他設備,因此,發現與用戶設定的偏好相匹配的資訊和服務變得容易了。這種技術支持真正的個性化社交、本地和移動體驗,可幫助用戶最為充分地利用其移動設備以及附近的設備,甚至在擁擠的環境中也一樣。


  • 甚至在沒有GPS、蜂窩或基礎設施連接時,在建立關聯之前,利用Wi-Fi或藍牙低功耗無線信號以連續、節電方式進行設備至設備發現;
  • 同時多方位分享服務或資訊;
  • 動態連接,即使某部設備移動到連接範圍以外,通過Wi-Fi Aware連接的設備群也能夠保持連接;
  • 在室內、室外和擁擠環境中運行良好;
  • 高效率設備至設備通信支援本機和基於IP的資料交換,每個資料流程都與特定應用或服務相關聯;
  • 基於使用者的隱私控制,使使用者能夠通過設備作業系統或應用選擇是否披露身份資訊。
  • 利用前沿的Wi-Fi技術,包括Wi-Fi 6、Wi-Fi 6E和WPA3,實現具備高性能的數據速率和安全性的設備間數據連接;
  • 優化設備間的通信調度,支持需要極低延遲和高功率效率的服務和應用;
  • 設備配對以及全面的幀保護,實現自主且具備安全保障的用戶體驗;
  • 高級隱私保護,包括配對身份僅可由配對設備解析,並支持定期更改無線身份;
  • 支持發現不支持同步的物聯網設備。


  • Wi-Fi Aware™: 發現附近的世界

Frequently Asked Questions

What operating systems support Wi-Fi Aware?

Native support is available in the Android™ O (and later) operating system.

What are the latest features that are available in Wi-Fi Aware as of today?

Wi-Fi Aware incorporates enhanced power savings, service discovery, Bluetooth Low Energy triggered initialization, device ranging, as well as native and IP-based data transfer. ​

Why use Wi-Fi Aware over other connectivity technologies?

Wi-Fi Aware has a longer range than other commonly used technologies. Proximity-based applications are more useful when the connection allows for a longer range. Additionally, once connected, devices can leverage the high-performance, fast speeds, and a high level of security that Wi-Fi delivers. The latest enhancements to Wi-Fi Aware also offer discovery by Bluetooth LE, which will trigger a formal Wi-Fi Aware session by first waking the Wi-Fi radio.

What is the range in which Wi-Fi Aware operates?

Wi-Fi Aware operates at typical Wi-Fi range.

What is Wi-Fi Aware?

Wi-Fi Aware incorporates capabilities enhancing peer-to-peer communications by enabling devices to exchange information and services without the need for network infrastructure or sophisticated setup processes. Within Wi-Fi Aware networks, connections are contextually formed, creating a simple data exchange mechanism based on shared user preferences.​

How do users experience Wi-Fi Aware?

Wi-Fi Aware mobile device experiences are application-driven; and users can control privacy settings and opt-in to desired notifications. Users can configure an application to offer and/or seek services on nearby devices.  

Will Wi-Fi Aware drain the battery on my mobile device?

Wi-Fi Aware was designed to be power efficient by establishing independent networked “clusters” synchronized to a common “heartbeat” to exchange small messages about services available nearby. Continuous discovery occurs in the background without putting undue burden on the battery of a mobile device.

On what frequency bands does Wi-Fi Aware operate?

Wi-Fi Aware operates in 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. Discovery occurs in the 2.4 GHz band, channel 6 (discovery in 5 GHz is optional).

Can my device be updated to support Wi-Fi Aware?

Many devices can receive updates to support Wi-Fi Aware. Whether a device can receive software updates to add the new functionality or not depends upon vendor implementation. Native support for Wi-Fi Aware is available in the Android O (and later) operating system.

What is the relationship between Wi-Fi Aware and Wi-Fi Direct?

Wi-Fi Aware is a similar peer-to-peer connectivity technology to Wi-Fi Direct. However, while Wi-Fi Direct requires a centralized coordinator, called a Group Owner, Wi-Fi Aware creates decentralized, dynamic peer-to-peer connections. Many applications, such as Miracast and direct printer connections, work well with Wi-Fi Direct. Wi-Fi Aware is positioned to provide peer-to-peer connectivity in highly mobile environments, where devices join or leave in a less deterministic manner. Whether it's professionals at a crowded conference to find each other or strangers on a subway momentarily joining a multi-player game, Wi-Fi Aware connections seamlessly adapt to changing environment and usage conditions.