Wi-Fi 6 is the latest generation of Wi-Fi®, providing key benefits such as higher data rates, greater network capacity, better power efficiency, and quality performance in remote or congested environments.
by Rolf de Vegt
Read more 0 commentsby Thomas Derham & Nehru Bhandaru
This is the first installment of a two-part series exploring recent WPA3™ enhancements.by Mark Hung
This content was originally published as the foreword to the most recent edition of the CWNA Certified Wireless Network Administrator Study Guide written by Wi-Fi Alliance member David Coleman, Extreby The Beacon
The year 2020 highlighted the importance of Wi-Fi® in our lives, as users around the world came to rely on Wi-Fi more than ever for teleworking, virtual learning, and staying connected with friends and family during a global pandemic. In 2020, Wi-Fi shipments reached nearly four billion, with cumulative shipments reaching more than 33 billion.by Edgar Figueroa
This content was originally published in the IEEE Communication Standards Magazine.by Christopher Szymanski
The year 2020 was monumental for Wi-Fi®.by Dr. Raul Katz
The COVID-19 pandemic has proven to be a fundamental challenge on a global scale. Our socioeconomic systems have been strained as a result, forcing entire societies to reexamine social practices and production systems that have often been in place for decades, if not centuries. These changes have caused a global economic recession worse than the 2008-2009 financial crisis.by Chatwin Lansdowne
NASA astronauts route first Ethernet cable onto truss and install a Wi-Fi® access pointAbove the International Space Station’s habitable modules, the Integrated Truss Structure supports sun-tracking solar arrays, adjustable thermal radiator panels, experiment pallets, and transporteby The Beacon
Continual evolution, greater transparency, and WPA3™ support for Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ devices ensures Wi-Fi delivers state-of-the-art security protections.by M. Consuelo Ortiz
This post is part of a series highlighting key technologies in Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Vantage™ – a Wi-Fi Alliance® solution making it easy for devices to provide an elevated experience in managed Wi-Fi® networks.